prorat AT
Titel: Newsletter des Promovierendenrats
- From: "Alexander Egeling" <alexander.egeling AT>
- To: <Prorat AT>
- Subject: [Prorat] ProRat-Newsletter Jan/Feb 2014
- Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 16:07:38 +0100
Dear Recipients of the ProRat newsletter,
this month, we inform you about our elections and our meetings.
+++ ProRat elections +++
Two years ago, the current ProRat was elected for a period of two years. So
normaly, there should be new elections now. The problem is, that the new
basic regulations of the university (Grundordnung) are not in effect yet.
There were some arguments with the ministry about minor parts but not the
new ProRat paragraph. However, the new basic regulations will not be in
effect before summer. This leads to a situation, where we could have ProRat
elections now (as planned), but only under the old basic regulations. Then
we would have to have new elections as soon as the new basic regulations of
the univerity come into power. That's why we decided to skip these elections
and have them in summer/autumn. If anybody has more questions on the matter
or any objections against this decision, please tell us! If not, we will
inform you about the upcoming elections as soon as we now more about the new
basic regulations.
+++ Current issues discussed at last meeting +++
ProRat is trying to push officials in Freiberg to be more foreigner
friendly. Currently, we are working on an overview of the conditions of
several banks if you want to open an account there. Also, we are member of a
working group that discusses foreigner friendlyness at TUBAF. Any questions
and issues from your side are appreciated.
With the elections of the Saxon parliament coming up this year, ProRat is
thinking of hosting a panel discussion with politicians to inform you about
their ideas. If you want to help us with that, you are very welcome.
GraFA informed us, that they will offer an information event about European
Research Funding (Marie S. Curie program) in May. The next PhD-day will be
included in ORTE in June.
+++ Next meeting +++
The next ProRat meeting will be held at the end of this month. Follow our
homepage or facebook for the exact date (coming soon). Everyone interested
is welcome!
Greetings from ProRat,
- [Prorat] ProRat-Newsletter Jan/Feb 2014, Alexander Egeling, 17.02.2014
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