prorat AT
Titel: Newsletter des Promovierendenrats
- From: Wenke Wilhelms <wenke.wilhelms AT>
- To: Prorat AT
- Subject: [Prorat] ProRat Newsletter Dec 2013
- Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 08:48:12 +0100
Dear Recipients of the ProRat newsletter,
this is our regular newsletter December edition. It contains issues discussed in our last meeting and upcoming events like this year's the next Mittagsrunde.
More details can also be looked up online: and
+++ Current issues discussed at last meeting +++
This year's Herbstfest was a success with more than 35 people showing up to learn about ProRat and discuss issues as well as just making contact and socializing. Grafa and IUZ provided information about programs that can be used by German and international PhD candidates at our university.
We are still at work writing the regulations for the in order to organize the ProRat and all PhD candidates (Geschäfts- und Wahlordnung ProRat, Ordnung der Doktorandenschaft (all PhD candidates)). They need to be based on the new basis of the ProRat-in-the-basic regulations of the university decision (Entscheidung zur Revision der Grundordnung). The part of the basic regulations that contains the ProRat got approval came back from the ministry with no remarks on the ProRat regulations. However, some other changes need to be made and the final decision of the extended senate (Erweiterter Senat) will be in January. That’s why we cannot finalize our work until then. However, there is still plenty to do and if you are willing to take part in the process, please contact Christian Jäh: christian.jaeh AT
The next *Mittagsrunde* will take place at December 11, 12 o’clock, and the subject will be the *Rigorosum* and information about how to avoid it. It will be held in Neue Mensa, conference room 1.46.
The university wants an accreditation as a family friendly working place (Audit Familiengerechte Hochschule) and there has been a workshop working out the state of the art of the universities efforts to make it a family friendly working place and also to work out measures that have to be taken to improve the situation. For further information and input contact Wenke Wilhelms: wenke.wilhelms AT
ProRat will send a response letter to the chouncelor letter of the Chancellor (Kanzlerrundschreiben) regarding short term employment: In our response, where we will express our agreement with the points mentioned and also propose an evaluation of the situation within the
next year.
The Prorektor Strukturentwicklung Prof. Meyer has founded a council to make Freiberg more foreigner friendly and has also invited members of ProRat to take part. Tatsiana Piliptsevich, Kamal Zorba and Alireza Arab will participate for the ProRat. If you have any suggestions, comments or any experiences of problems that you can share which can help towards the issue, please write to us at info AT
More in the next newsletter.
+++ Connection to other ProRat movements +++
Wenke Wilhelms and Christian Jäh went to Halle upon their invitation to have an information exchange and to form a bigger network of PhD candidate councils. Also Leipzig has sent a representative. We told each other about projects and events that we are doing for PhD candidates and also about the formal issues we have faced and how we solved them (partially).
The next meeting of the ProRat will be in the 50th week and will be announced via our homepage, facebook and UNIINFO-mail.
More online:
this is our regular newsletter December edition. It contains issues discussed in our last meeting and upcoming events like this year's the next Mittagsrunde.
More details can also be looked up online: and
+++ Current issues discussed at last meeting +++
This year's Herbstfest was a success with more than 35 people showing up to learn about ProRat and discuss issues as well as just making contact and socializing. Grafa and IUZ provided information about programs that can be used by German and international PhD candidates at our university.
We are still at work writing the regulations for the in order to organize the ProRat and all PhD candidates (Geschäfts- und Wahlordnung ProRat, Ordnung der Doktorandenschaft (all PhD candidates)). They need to be based on the new basis of the ProRat-in-the-basic regulations of the university decision (Entscheidung zur Revision der Grundordnung). The part of the basic regulations that contains the ProRat got approval came back from the ministry with no remarks on the ProRat regulations. However, some other changes need to be made and the final decision of the extended senate (Erweiterter Senat) will be in January. That’s why we cannot finalize our work until then. However, there is still plenty to do and if you are willing to take part in the process, please contact Christian Jäh: christian.jaeh AT
The next *Mittagsrunde* will take place at December 11, 12 o’clock, and the subject will be the *Rigorosum* and information about how to avoid it. It will be held in Neue Mensa, conference room 1.46.
The university wants an accreditation as a family friendly working place (Audit Familiengerechte Hochschule) and there has been a workshop working out the state of the art of the universities efforts to make it a family friendly working place and also to work out measures that have to be taken to improve the situation. For further information and input contact Wenke Wilhelms: wenke.wilhelms AT
ProRat will send a response letter to the chouncelor letter of the Chancellor (Kanzlerrundschreiben) regarding short term employment: In our response, where we will express our agreement with the points mentioned and also propose an evaluation of the situation within the
next year.
The Prorektor Strukturentwicklung Prof. Meyer has founded a council to make Freiberg more foreigner friendly and has also invited members of ProRat to take part. Tatsiana Piliptsevich, Kamal Zorba and Alireza Arab will participate for the ProRat. If you have any suggestions, comments or any experiences of problems that you can share which can help towards the issue, please write to us at info AT
More in the next newsletter.
+++ Connection to other ProRat movements +++
Wenke Wilhelms and Christian Jäh went to Halle upon their invitation to have an information exchange and to form a bigger network of PhD candidate councils. Also Leipzig has sent a representative. We told each other about projects and events that we are doing for PhD candidates and also about the formal issues we have faced and how we solved them (partially).
The next meeting of the ProRat will be in the 50th week and will be announced via our homepage, facebook and UNIINFO-mail.
More online:
Dipl.-Geophys. Wenke Wilhelms
PromovierendenRat an der
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Akademiestr. 6
09599 Freiberg
Tel.: +49 3731 392723
eMail: wenke.wilhelms AT
PromovierendenRat an der
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Akademiestr. 6
09599 Freiberg
Tel.: +49 3731 392723
eMail: wenke.wilhelms AT
- [Prorat] ProRat Newsletter Dec 2013, Wenke Wilhelms, 29.11.2013
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