prorat AT
Titel: Newsletter des Promovierendenrats
- From: Tatsiana Piliptsevich <Tatsiana.Piliptsevich AT>
- To: Prorat AT
- Subject: [Prorat] ProRat Newsletter Nov 2013
- Date: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 12:23:41 +0100
Dear Recipients of the ProRat newsletter,
this is our regular newsletter. It again contains issues discussed in our last meeting and upcoming events like this year's Herbstfest and Mittagsrunde. More details can also be looked up online: and
+++ Current issues discussed at last meeting +++
This year's Herbstfest is again a good opportunity to get in contact with other PhD candidates of our university. It will be on November 5th, 5pm in the big conference room in Neue Mensa. We provide food, non-alcoholic drinks and a children's corner. Staff from GraFA and IUZ will be there as well.
We now write three new regulations on the basis of the ProRat-in-the-basic-regulations-decision: The basic regulations of the group of doctoral candidates ("Ordnung der Doktorandenschaft"), the rules of internal procedures of the ProRat ("Geschäftsordnung") and the electoral rules for the upcoming ProRat elections ("Wahlordnung"). We just started to discuss these. If you are willing to take part in the process, please contact Christian Jäh: christian.jaeh AT
The Landesvertretung Akademischer Mittelbau Sachsen (LAMS) organizes a panel discussion on the short term contracts ect. with the Saxon minister of science and arts Prof. Schorlemer on November 18th at the TU Dresden. Everybody interested is welcome! More details on the exact venue will be announced soon via uniinfo.
November's Mittagsrunde on "EU funding for PhD candidates" will take place on November 7th in Neue Mensa, conference room 1.46.
New ProRat election is coming in February. If you are interested in work of ProRat, want to become socially active by yourself, want to contribute for better changes, then we are searching for you and you should run for the next election!
All the best from ProRat,
PhD Candidate MBA Tatsiana Piliptsevich
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Chair for Environmental and Resource Management
- [Prorat] ProRat Newsletter Nov 2013, Tatsiana Piliptsevich, 03.11.2013
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